Undergraduate (UG) and Postgraduate taught (PGT) students

It is a mandatory requirement of the University that all new students receive health and safety induction information.

This is delivered in two ways:

1. University information

This is delivered via e-learning modules in Blackboard. School Teaching and Learning staff should decide, with advice from their School Safety Advisor if necessary, which optional modules are relevant for their students and create a non-credit bearing course.

Schools must monitor student completion rates and take action to ensure all students complete the course.

Safety Services access and report on completion rates to the Board via the University Health, Safety and Environment Committee. There is a University Key Perfomance Indicator (KPI) of 100% completion.

The UG/PGT modules are

  1. University Expectations
  2. Your Safety
  3. Practical Work (including fieldwork)
  4. Placements

Modules 1 and 2 are mandatory for all UG & PGT students.

Modules 3 & 4 are optional and taken by UG & PGT students where relevant.

2. School/course-specific information

In addition to the above, it is expected that any School or Course-specific information is provided locally by the school to their UG & PGT students. This can be delivered in any suitable format, eg electronically, face-to-face, written.