- Accident Investigation
- Accident form
- Accident, Incident and Near-miss Reporting
- Acetylene
- Animal Allergens - Management of Exposure to (OH)
- Annual health & safety monitoring reports
- Arrangements Chapters (full list)
- Asbestos in equipment
- Audits - Health and Safety Management Profile (HASMAP)
- Cell Culture
- Chemical Safety
- Chemical Carcinogens, Mutagens and Reproductive Toxins
- Chemical Substances - reporting and licencing requirements
- Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) - links to Compliance & Risk website
- Children - Safeguarding Children on University Premises (Compliance & Risk information on child protection)
- Compliance Returns
- Construction Safety
- Contractors Checklist - control of (including Service Engineers and other Service Providers)
- Controlled Drugs - Compliance Returns (links to Compliance & Risk website)
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
- Cryogenic Materials
- Cyanides - Use of
- Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR)
- Decontamination Certificate - for equipment
- DEFRA Licences - Compliance Returns
- Directorate/School H&S Policy Statements
- Disabled persons evacuation
- Disinfectants & biological hazards
- Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
- Disposable gloves - Selection and use
- Diving at work - Arrangements Chapter and example risk assessment
- Driving at work
- Drugs Precursors - contact RCO for information on purchase and use
- Drugs Precursors - Compliance Returns
- Emergency Evacuation Plans
- Energetic and Explosophoric Chemicals - Guidance on the recognition, handling and storing of
- Equipment - including electrical safety
- Ergonomics
- Ethidium Bromide
- Explosives and desensitised explosives - Compliance Returns (Links to compliance & risk website)
- Face fit testing
- Fieldwork
- Fire Safety
- Fire Safety Advisory Group
- First Aid
- First Aid - Treatment of cyanide, hydrofluric acid and phenol exposure
- Flu - (OH)
Food Safety and Food Hygiene (managed by Estates & Facilities, Hospitality and Catering)
- Fume Cupboards
- Genetically Modified Organisms (GM Safety)
- Gloves - Disposable glove selection and use
- Hand arm vibration
- Hazardous Waste
- HASMAP Audits
- Health & Safety Committees - School/Directorate
- Health & Safety Law - HSE Pocket Card - provided by HR to all new staff
- Health & Safety Management across organisational boundaries
- Health & Safety Policy Statement - How to write a Faculty/School/Directorate
- Homeworking
- Laboratory Clearance/Decommissioning Certificate
- Laboratory Animal Allergy
- Ladders
- Lasers - links to RSU pages
- Latex (OH)
- Leadership and management of health and safety in higher education (USHA/UCEA guidance)
- Legionella - Management in school equipment
- Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER)
- Liquid Nitrogen (see also Cryogenic Materials)
- Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV)
- Lone Working (see also HSE guidance)
- Machinery and Work Equipment
- Manual Handling
- Meeting Minutes (SHE Committee and Advisory Groups)
- Mercury spills and legacy issues - Guidance on
- Metalworking fluids
- Microbiological Safety Cabinets
- Musculoskeletal diseases - Short guidance for those manging cases of
- Nanomaterials (including graphene)
- Near Miss/Incident Report Form
- Needlestick injuries & incidents involving human blood or other body fluids - Occupational Health documentation
- New and Expectant Mothers - see HSE Website, Occupational Health
- NHS Trust & University shared premises Arrangements Ch 20 and Shared Workplaces Policy
- Noise guidance
- Noise-hearing protection
- Noise strategy
- Occupational Health and Safety Information Service (OHSIS) (Library electronic database)
- Occupational Health, Safety, Training Advisory Group (OHSTAG)
- Occupational Health Service - for staff and students
- Occupying Premises
- Office safety
- Office - Inspection checklist
- Open-plan, Shared Laboratories - Management of
- Overnight running of equipment/experiments
- Oxygen depletion
- Permits to Work
- Placements
- Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs)
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Polio
- Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)
- Pregnant Workers and New Mothers - see HSE Website, Occupational Health
- Pressure Vessels and Systems
- Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER)
- Safety Advisor Network Events (SANE)
- Safety Circulars / HASMAP Lessons Learned
- Safety Culture - Guidance for managers on assessing
- Safety, Health and Environment Committee (SHE Committee)
- Safety Matters
- Safety Signs - links to HSE website
- School H&S Committees
- Sensitisers - skin, respiratory
- Shared, open plan laboratories - Management of
- Shared Workplaces Policy - University & NHS Trust
- Schedule 5 pathogens and toxins - Compliance Returns
- Slips and Trips
- Statutory Inspections
- Stress
- Student Placements
- Training
- Transporting Dangerous Goods (Bio/GM samples)
- Transporting novel substances (Chemicals)
- Travel Health Advice (Occupational Health information)
- Travel Safety and Health
- Waste
- Waste (hazardous) - link to Estates & Facilities EA premises codes)
- Welding
- Well-being (University Well-being information)
- Work at Height
- Work Experience Placements - children & young people
- Working off campus
- Young People (link to HSE Information)