Faculty and Directorate Safety Contacts

Local safety adviser information can be found below.


Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health: email FBMHhealthandsafety@manchester.ac.uk Lead contact - Fiona Marriage fiona.marriage@manchester.ac.uk

Faculty of Humanities: Lead contact - Lynda Rowlinson lynda.rowlinson@manchester.ac.uk

Faculty of Science and Engineering: email fse.safety@manchester.ac.uk Lead contact - Sylvester Boon sylvester.boon@manchester.ac.uk

Professional Services Directorates:

Communication and Marketing - helen.leah@manchester.ac.uk

Compliance and Risk - Sheila.chisholm@manchester.ac.uk

Development and Alumni - judith.alldred@manchester.ac.uk and pauline.ashton@manchester.ac.uk

Estates and Facilities - Lead contact: Martin Blake martin.blake@manchester.ac.uk

Finance - andy.fan@manchester.ac.uk

P&OD - hazel.tritschler@manchester.ac.uk

IT - Simon.taylor@manchester.ac.uk

Legal and Board Secretariat - Victoria.Tolan@manchester.ac.uk

Planning - Fatima.Azam@manchester.ac.uk

President’s Office - deborah.a.black@manchester.ac.uk

Registrar’s Office - Paula.Dunn@manchester.ac.uk

Research and Business Engagement - Joanne.O'Neill@manchester.ac.uk

Social Responsibility - Marie.Conaghan@manchester.ac.uk

Student Experience (DSE): - Lead Contact: Sarah Gumusgoz sarah.gumusgoz@manchester.ac.uk

The University of Manchester Library (including John Rylands Library) ciaran.pook@manchester.ac.uk Dominic.hunt@manchester.ac.uk John.hodgson@manchester.ac.uk (John Rylands)

Cultural Assets:

Jodrell Bank Centre for Engagement: Lead contact - Andy Benson andy.benson@manchester.ac.uk

Manchester Museum - Dean Whiteside museum@manchester.ac.uk

Manchester University Press - mup@manchester.ac.uk

The Whitworth - Dean Whiteside whitworth@manchester.ac.uk