Food Safety and Food Hygiene

The University arrangements chapter on Food Safety and Food Hygiene (part of the University’s Health and Safety Policy) sets the policy on and the standard expected for food safety and hygiene. It describes the roles and responsibilities of senior managers and staff involved in the procurement or provision of catering (including off campus, such as on fieldwork).

Procuring catering within the University (Hospitality and Events)

All catering must go through Hospitality on Campus - This will ensure that the relevant “due diligence” checks have been carried out in relation to food safety and hygiene.

Hospitality on Campus are the only caterers permitted to deliver to Centrally Timetabled Rooms (where catering is allowed); Whitworth Hall, Whitworth Corridor, the Council Chamber, and all bookable foyers.

External caterers

In the exceptional circumstances described in the Food Safety Chapter and in strict adherence with the provisions of this chapter external catering may be procured. It then becomes the responsibility of the Faculty/School or Directorate/Department involved to ensure food is supplied in a safe manner and in accordance with all relevant food safety legislation.

The Frequently Asked Questions provide information on the most common scenarios of food provision including the safe display of food. Guidance on catering on field trips off campus is also provided.